
Located at the back of the mouth near each second molar, wisdom teeth can sometimes emerge without any complication. However, if you do not have enough room in your mouth, these teeth can become impacted—causing a variety of painful symptoms.  So how should you know if it’s time to see a family dentist for help? Here are a few common scenarios when wisdom teeth removal is necessary.

When to See a Dentist About Wisdom Teeth Removal

1. When You’re a Young Adult

According to the American Dental Association, wisdom teeth typically start to emerge between the ages of 17 and 21. As such, you should ask a family dentist about the need for removal when you reach your late teens.

Using imaging technology, a specialist will capture an X-ray of the mouth and see if you have wisdom teeth—and how they are growing in. If the position of these molars seems like it may cause problems down the road, preventive extraction may be recommended.

2. When You Develop Symptoms of Impacted Teeth  

family dentistIf you didn’t have the wisdom teeth removed earlier on in life, there is a chance that they may become impacted as they grow in. Essentially, impaction occurs when these molars don’t have enough room to fully erupt—or emerge at all.  

When this happens, you may notice an ongoing pressure around the jaw or near the back of the mouth. Inflammation may also occur, causing red, bleeding, and swollen gums. In more severe cases, the site may become infected and trigger serious pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, visit a family dentist for emergency care.

3. When Other Teeth Get Damaged  

Wisdom teeth that grow in incorrectly may not always cause pain, but they can still cause structural problems as they press against surrounding teeth. If these molars cause the mouth to crowd, other teeth may become crooked or crossed. Over time, the pressure can also cause nerve damage, cysts, or jaw bone loss. If you notice physical changes in your mouth, extraction will give teeth more room to help prevent misalignment and oral health problems.   


If you’re curious about your need for wisdom teeth removal, Anchorage Dental Center can help. Backed by the latest technology, this family dentist will perform quick and comfortable X-rays to see how these molars are growing. If an extraction is needed, this specialist will guide you through every stage of the process to ensure you receive complete, gentle care. To learn more about the advanced procedures they offer, visit this dental clinic online or call (907) 278-2521.
