
It's summertime, school is out, and you're planning a family vacation this year. You've created an itinerary, booked accommodations, and are eagerly anticipating the trip, but do you have enough cash on hand? If not, a payday loan from a check cashing service could help. Even if your credit limit is far from maxed out, there are many reasons to carry cash instead of relying on debit or credit cards. Below is a list of reasons to carry cash during your summer vacation.

5 Reasons to Carry Cash During Your Vacation

1. Your Credit Card Is Declined

If your credit card is declined, you'll want another payment method. Card failures happen all the time, and it often has nothing to do with an overdraft or problem with your account. The bank's communication system could be glitching or shut down for repairs, or the vendor's card reader could simply be malfunctioning. In any case, check cashing before you leave will give you valuable backup.

2. You Want to Split a CheckCheck cashing in Florence, KY

If you're dining with another person, group, or family, you may wish to split the restaurant check. It's much easier to do that if you have cash on hand. Many servers prefer cash tips, too.

3. The Place Accepts Only Cash

Although most places of business today accept major credit cards, some do not. The owners may be reluctant to pay the credit card processing fees, which cut into the business's profit margin. In such cases, you may find yourself seeking a check cashing service to extract some funds.

4. Toll Roads

If you're traveling through states that have toll roads, bridges, or tunnels, you'll need to pay cash for access. If you don't have it, you'll have to stop at each toll station, fill out paperwork, and reimburse the state later. 

5. It Helps Control Spending

Psychologists have determined that it's much easier to overspend when you're paying with credit cards than with cash. According to their research, the cost doesn't feel as "real" when you buy on credit. With cash, there is an increased feeling of loss.

While you're on vacation, you never know when you might run into an expense that requires cash. When you do, it's nice to know where to go for check cashing. For your convenience, Advance U Cash in Florence, KY, offers fast, affordable check cashing and payday loans. All you need is a verifiable income and a 30-day checking account history, and they'll advance you up to $500 in cash. Visit their website to learn more about how their short-term loans work, or call (859) 746-2274 to request more information.
