
When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are one of the best restorative options available. Unlike dentures, bridges, and crowns, implants fuse with the jawbone, making them as permanent and secure as your natural teeth. They also happen to be the only restorative option that prevents the breakdown of bone, which naturally occurs under every missing tooth; however, implants are not for everyone. If you’re a smoker, for example, your dentist will likely advise you to quit at least one month before undergoing the implantation procedure. Here’s why. 

Poor Bone Health 

dental implantsDental implants rely on a process called osseointegration to adhere to the jawbone. During this process, the jawbone resorbs the titanium implant, creating a sturdy and permanent foundation on which to place a crown. Therefore, an ideal candidate for the procedure is someone who has the bone structure to support the artificial tooth. Researchers have determined that smoking weakens bones, though, and ultimately increases the risk of both fractures and osteoporosis, making smokers poor candidates for the procedure. 

Poor Oral Health

Smoking has several effects on the body that jeopardize oral health and can inhibit the healing process following the implantation procedure. For example, inhaling smoke on a regular basis can burn the cells lining the mouth and damage salivary glands in the process, resulting in dry mouth. Saliva is essential for rinsing away food particles and bacteria that cause decay, making people with dry mouth more vulnerable to serious oral health issues. Additionally, nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict. This reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the mouth, which is an incredibly vascular area that requires adequate circulation to remain healthy and fend off infection. 


If you want to learn more about the pros and cons of dental implants or have recently quit smoking and are ready to restore your smile, turn to Ronald W. Ristow, DDS, in Oconto Falls, WI. This family dentistry practice provides comprehensive care to patients of all ages throughout all of Oconto County. Services include checkups and cleanings, teeth whitening, and dental surgery. You can request an appointment by visiting their website or by calling (920) 846-3163. 
