
It can be challenging to keep your pets calm during 4th of July fireworks. The loud bangs and bright flashes of light will increase their anxiety and cause them to act out of character. As the leading pet boarding facility in Hakalau, HI, Alpha K-9 Kennels recognizes the danger that excited animals pose to themselves and others. They suggest implementing these techniques to help calm your furry friend.

How to Keep Your Pet Calm on the 4th of July

1. Keep Them Inside

pet boardingIt’s never smart to bring your pet to an outdoor 4th of July celebration. The unfamiliar surroundings combined with the sudden bursts of fireworks will only work them into a frenzy. The best thing you can do is keep them indoors. This will dampen some of the noise and provide a comforting environment for them.

2. Play With Them

Sometimes all you need to do is distract your pet from what’s going on outside. Whether it be a game of fetch or a tug-of-war challenge, picking up a toy and engaging in playtime will keep them calm. Your comforting presence will prevent sporadic noises from alarming them.

3. Wrap Them Up

If all else fails, bring out their favorite blanket and wrap them in it. The familiar scent of the fabric will calm their nerves and make them feel safe. Pet boarding experts also suggest purchasing a weighted vest that’s manufactured to help animals calm down and give them enough freedom to move.

Keeping animals calm is a valuable skill, but it’s easy to become overwhelmed if your pet doesn’t respond to these techniques. Contact a quality pet boarding service like Alpha K-9 Kennels when you need assistance. Located on an eight-acre plot of land, just 15 miles north of Hilo, HI, this locally owned facility provides some of the best cat and dog boarding solutions. Call (808) 963-6000 or visit their website to learn more about this pet boarding facility.
