
When someone sustains injuries in an accident due to another person’s negligence, they may file a claim for compensation. Before finalizing a settlement offer or judgment award, the victim must prove the other party was at fault. Doing so can be challenging, especially if multiple parties are responsible. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Salerno & Associates have been representing Omaha, NE, clients in complicated injury cases for over 30 years. Below, they explain how to establish liability when more than one person is at fault.

If Multiple People Cause Your Injuries

personal injury attorneyIn Nebraska, laws regarding comparative fault allow judges to distribute negligence in personal injury cases among multiple parties. Doing so often increase the victim’s chances of recovering full damages. When a personal injury attorney successfully shows that many people or entities were liable for their client’s harm, the victim can collect compensation from any one of the responsible parties. 

If You Are Also Responsible  

If you sustained injuries but were also found to be partially at fault for the accident, you may still be eligible to receive some compensation from the other parties involved. The amount awarded will depend on how liable you were compared to everyone else. Under Nebraska law, if the court calculates your percentage of fault as greater than or equal to the total negligence of all defendants, then you cannot recover any damages. 

Though every case is different, proving liability requires complex legal analysis. If you were hurt in an accident, the skilled personal injury attorneys at Salerno & Associates will evaluate the strength of your claim to determine what legal options are available. They offer quality counsel and representation to ensure all responsible parties are held accountable. Call (866) 787-2598 to speak with a personal injury attorney about your situation, or visit the website to learn more about their background and expertise in this practice area. 
