
Most people should visit the eye doctor at least once every year. However, some circumstances warrant an eye exam sooner. The team at Spencerport Optical, near Rochester, NY, shares five signs you’re due for a check-up.

Signs You Need to See an Eye Doctor

1. Frequent Squinting

The first sign your prescription is out of date is usually squinting. It's a natural response when your eyes are struggling to focus. Visit the eye doctor soon, even if your next appointment is months away.

2. Dry and Irritated Eyes

eye doctorRubbing itchy eyes can lead to eye infections, scratches of the cornea, or bloodshot eyes. In more serious cases, you could damage your eye tissue permanently. The eye doctor will look for the underlying cause of the irritation and provide remedies to lubricate and clean the eye.

3. Recurring Headaches

Headaches have several causes, but recurring pressure behind the eyes is a potential sign of a serious vision problem. The cause can range from mild eye strain to serious issues like cataracts or glaucoma. 

4. Bumping Into Things

This may not be a sign you’re getting clumsier but rather a loss in peripheral vision. If you’re bumping into tables and counters more than usual, consult an eye doctor. 

5. Unable to See Far Away or Up Close

This is one of the early signs you are nearsighted or farsighted. If you have increasing trouble seeing street signs far away or you’re holding books farther away while reading, it's time for an eye exam.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, make an appointment for an eye exam right away. The best eye doctors in Monroe County, NY, are at Spencerport Optical. Offering comprehensive eye care for the entire family, they will correct your vision and identify other ocular health problems before they become more serious. To learn more about the team, visit them online or call (585) 352-1960 to set up your exam today.
