
While many homes rely on a municipal sewer connection to carry away wastewater, others are too far outside the municipality’s reach and cannot be hooked up to the city’s treatment facility. For those homes, a septic tank is the most reliable and affordable waste treatment option. If you’ve never had a septic system, it’s important to familiarize yourself with how it works. The team at Zook’s Septic Services, LLC serving Pennsylvania’s Susquehanna Valley, explains the function and proper maintenance of septic systems.

How Septic Systems Work

A septic system comprises two components: a septic tank and a drainfield or leachfield set apart from the home. When you run water through the tap or flush a toilet, wastewater flows through your pipes to the septic tank. Solid waste settles to the bottom of the tank, where beneficial bacteria slowly break it up into small particles. The wastewater and broken-down solids eventually flow from the tank to the leachfield.

At the leachfield, water slowly filters through the soil, which collects harmful contaminants, viruses, and bacteria from the water. Over time, the water treated by your system slowly soaks back into the water table. Eventually, this water, now free of contaminants, returns to the well for reuse.

Maintenance Is Key

septic tankOver time, the bottom of the tank fills with sludge, and a septic tank cleaning specialist will need to pump it to keep the tank from clogging. With average use, most homeowners only need to schedule septic tank pumping once every three to five years. Homeowners with these systems must also be careful about the substances they put down the train and only use toilet paper and cleansers that are septic safe. Though septic systems aren’t something you can install and forget about, most can last well over 15 years with regular maintenance and proper care.

Worried about the condition of your home’s septic tank? Contact the team at Zook’s Septic Services, LLC, to schedule an inspection today. Their dedicated staff will help with everything from minor repairs to full system replacement, giving you peace of mind that your home’s sewage treatment system is in working order. Learn more about their services online and call (570) 837-1466 to schedule an appointment.
