
Many people think acne is exclusive to adolescence. However, there are everyday triggers that can cause acne in adults. According to the staff at Heibel Dermatology in Lincoln, NE, many of these can be eliminated with a few lifestyle changes, as well as regular visits to the dermatologist. Here are a few causes of adult acne to help you properly treat it.

Dermatologists Share 5 Causes of Adult Acne

1. Pillowcases

Pillowcases absorb a variety of dirt, oils, and bacteria. When you place your face against them each night, they’re exposed to these for hours, which eventually clogs the pores. To eliminate the problem, change your pillowcases each week. You can also invest in dermatologist-approved anti-acne pillowcases.

2. Cell Phones

Throughout the day, all manner of bacteria and grime accumulate on a phone, especially when you’re on the go. The warmth it creates allows bacteria to thrive, so any time you put the phone to your ear, they transfer to the face. To prevent this, use alcohol wipes to clean the phone regularly and avoid touching your face after using it.

3. Sunscreen

dermatologist-heibel-dermatologySunscreen has always been known to be beneficial to the skin in terms of protection. However, components like zinc oxide can cause you to sweat beneath the sunscreen, leading to acne. To avoid this, try gel sunscreens and those with chemicals like avobenzone and octocrylene.

4. Hair Products

Throughout the day, residue from shampoo and conditioner, as well as hair styling products will seep down onto the forehead, especially if you sweat, and clog pores. However, you don’t have to stop using products. Try to keep them away from the hairline and wash your face after applying them.

5. Makeup Brushes

If you use makeup brushes every day, they need to be washed regularly. Bacteria and oils gather easily on the bristles and transfer immediately when you apply makeup. The best way to avoid this is to wash brushes after each use in soap and warm water.

You’ll notice immediate improvements in your skin by making a few adjustments. For any other skin care needs, turn to a dermatologist at Heibel Dermatology. They offer comprehensive services, including skin cancer treatment and acne care. Their team will help you achieve healthy, glowing skin. Call (402) 488-6969 to schedule a consultation. Visit their website and Facebook page to learn more about their services.
