
For some students, math is full of challenges, strange concepts, and intimidating rules. Fortunately, there are ways to support your child’s learning in this subject at home. Here, the math tutors at FasTracKids in Brooklyn, NY, share a few tips.

6 Ways to Teach Math to Kids

1. Monitor Their Self-Talk

Watch how your child talks about math. If they are using negative phrases or defeating words to describe the subject, help them replace the negativity with more positive connotations to inspire more confidence in themselves and their skills. 

2. Create a Distraction-Free Environment

When it’s time for homework or a math tutor session, put away the electronic devices, turn off the television, and remove games and toys from the work space. Make this a habit at a consistent time each day to help your child get in the right frame of mind.

3. Use Props

Math is focused on theory, which can be confusing for young learners. Many students benefit from seeing the theory in action. In a math tutor session, use props to illustrate the topic in question. For example, show them addition and subtraction using a fun and colorful snack, like M&Ms. 

4. Embrace Mistakes

math tutorMistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Never chastise a child for doing something wrong in their lessons. Instead, treat it as an opportunity to learn. Work together to figure out what happened and come up with the correct answer.

5. Let Them Take the Lead

After you've explained how a specific problem is done, illustrate it with an example. Then, let your child walk you through another example. This way, you can see how well they've understood the explanation, and you can better guide them to a more comprehensive grasp of the subject matter.

6. Get Excited

Even if you don’t love math, show enthusiasm when working with your child. They will pick up on your cues. If they see you interested and engaged with the material, they too will look at it differently, which can positively affect their studies.

For more tips on helping your children with school, contact the math tutors at FasTracKids. They offer a variety of learning options, including tutoring sessions and after-school programs. Call (718) 260-8100 or visit them online to learn more about this learning center or to enroll your child today. 
