
Pregnancy is a natural and exciting process that causes women to experience many new things. In this time of change, it’s crucial to care for your body and the growing life within you. Women’s health experts at Hillside Family Medicine in Anchorage, AK, offer these health guidelines for women who are expecting.

How to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

Prenatal Care

The best way to care for yourself and your baby is by receiving proper prenatal care. This includes:

  • Regular OB/GYN Visits: You should schedule an appointment every four weeks until the 28th week. From there, you should see your doctor every two weeks until your 36th week. You’ll then see your doctor weekly until you deliver your baby.
  • Lab tests: Schedule routine tests to check you and your baby’s health. These tests can confirm blood type and Rh factor, anemia-related issues, and immunity to Rubella and chicken pox. Other tests may be recommended based on age, and other factors.
  • Ultrasounds: While not required, you may choose to have an ultrasound to check on your baby’s development at around 18 to 20 weeks. At this point, you can also confirm the sex of your baby.

Nutrition & Supplements

Eating is especially important during pregnancy; everything you eat, your baby will eat, too. You need more calories and nutrients such as iron, calcium, and folic acid. Ask your women’s health care provider about prenatal supplements.

You will need to avoid certain foods, eliminate alcohol from your diet, and stop smoking. If you are a vegan, vegetarian, or have an otherwise restricted diet, talk to your doctor about how to ensure you get sufficient nutrition for a healthy pregnancy.


women's-healthKeeping up a healthy exercise routine is beneficial to you and your baby’s health. It prepares you for delivery, improves mood and self-esteem, and may help prevent early delivery.

Exercise can also minimize the aches and pains associated with pregnancy and may improve your sleep patterns. Gentle forms of exercise, like walking and prenatal yoga, will help most pregnant women. Speak with your women’s health care provider for recommendations about the appropriate exercise for your age and pregnancy risks.

Your pregnancy is a special time, and it’s critical to pay attention to your health. Keep healthy by receiving good prenatal care and attending to your diet and exercise. While Hillside Family Medicine does not provide Obstetric (OB) specific care we do offer women’s health services, pediatric care, travel medicine, and can provide wellness care during your pregnancy. The providers at Hillside Family Medicine would be happy to give you a referral to an OB/GYN should you find out the good news and want to know what your options are.  Call (907) 344-0200 to make an appointment or go to their website to view their services and staff.
