
Car insurance is a necessary expense, but you don’t want to spend any more money than you have to on a policy. Knowing what can affect your auto insurance rates is the best way to save on your premiums and get good coverage without overpaying for a policy. The team at Action Auto Insurance Agency Inc., located in New London, CT, discusses some helpful tips for saving money on your car insurance.

3 Ideas to Avoid Overpaying on Car Insurance

1. Increase the Deductible

You can save a substantial car insuranceamount of money on your premiums by raising your deductible. Although you may have to pay more in repair bills if you’re in an accident, you could save hundreds per year by increasing your deductible from $500 to $1,000. To see how much money you could save, request a price quote with different deductible levels before making a decision.

2. Bundle Your Policies

If you have multiple insurance policies, saving money on all of them is possible if they’re combined under one carrier. Many insurance companies offer a discount if you purchase more than one type of insurance policy or more than one vehicle insured with them. If you already have a homeowners or car insurance policy, ask your insurer if they offer multiple policy discounts.

3. Improve Your Credit Score

A good credit score has many benefits, including lower insurance costs. Many insurers use credit scores to determine the auto insurance rates because people with solid credit histories tend to have fewer accidents. Monitoring your credit record on a regular basis makes sure that all your information is accurate.

The team at Action Auto Insurance Inc. has over 30 years of experience providing budget-friendly car insurance policies from a variety of insurance companies. Call (860) 444-7224 to speak with an insurance agent, or visit them online to learn more about their motorcycle insurance policies.
