
If you have a new puppy or kitten, congratulations! Pets bring joy and love into your life, and caring for their health is one of the best ways to return that love. Pet vaccinations are the first step on the path to a long, healthy life. Here are four vaccinations your pet must have.

4 Pet Vaccinations Puppies and Kittens Need

1. Rabies

Rabies is almost always fatal, and there is no treatment to lessen symptoms, making the rabies vaccine imperative for humans and pets alike. For dogs, the rabies vaccine can be given at around 3 months old. For cats, it can be administered as early as 8 weeks. A booster is required annually for the one-year form of the vaccine or every three years for a three-year dose. However, a one-year booster is recommended in the first year after the initial dose regardless of which vaccine you choose.

2. Distemper

pet vaccinationsDistemper is an airborne virus that can cause permanent brain damage in pets. The shot can be given as early as 6 weeks old for both cats and dogs. This vaccine requires boosters three or four weeks apart. After their one-year booster, adult pets should have subsequent boosters every three years.

3. Parvovirus

Parvovirus is contracted by dogs. It’s highly contagious and fatal if left untreated. A puppy needs three doses of the vaccine starting at around 6 weeks of age, with the follow-up vaccines three to four weeks later. After the initial rounds, a dog will need a one-year booster, then a booster every three years.

4. Herpesvirus

Cats are at risk for feline herpesvirus if they are not vaccinated at around 6 weeks. This virus causes a contagious upper respiratory illness. After the first vaccine, your kitten will need two more doses, three or four weeks apart, and another dose one year later. Following the first year, a dose every three years is sufficient.

Start life with your new pet off on the right foot. Visit Makai Pet Hospital in Kailua, HI, for pet vaccinations and other wellness measures to protect your furry friends’ health. With more than 30 years of experience, you can trust this animal hospital to provide quality, compassionate care for pets of all shapes and sizes, including exotic pets. Call or text (808) 262-9621 to schedule an appointment or contact them online today.  
