
Adults know that the benefits of good oral hygiene last a lifetime, but it can be harder to get your kids on board. The best way to help them care for their teeth and gums is to make oral hygiene fun. Creating a positive experience will encourage good habits they’ll carry well into the future.

5 Ways to Make Oral Hygiene Fun for Kids

1. Offer Choices

Children of all ages like to make choices. Let them pick a toothbrush and their favorite toothpaste flavor from the store. A fun toothbrush holder and cup for the bathroom will complete their oral hygiene kit and encourage them to use their supplies regularly.

2. Brush Together

Make brushing and flossing time a family activity. Kids will see that even grown-ups need good oral hygiene. Your little one might love brushing your teeth for practice.

3. Reward Good Hygiene

oral hygieneSet up a rewards system for good habits like brushing and flossing. Avoid using sweets as a prize; instead, choose items like stickers or small toys. This will create positive feelings around dental care that will make brushing time easier for parents.

4. Make Brushing & Flossing a Game

Everyone should brush for two minutes. To encourage this, play your child’s favorite song or sing to them while they brush. Let them pretend to brush the teeth of a favorite doll or stuffed animal first so they get to play “mom” or “dad.”

5. Choose the Right Dentist

A pediatric dentist will know how to create a positive experience for young patients. The dentist and hygienist should be a partner in helping your child learn to care for their teeth and gums.


Give your family’s oral hygiene routine a boost with these tips. If you or your kids need a teeth cleaning, visit the Shurett Dental Group in Conyers, GA. They provide a friendly, welcoming environment for the whole family. Dr. Mark Shurett and his team work together to create a comfortable and convenient experience. To schedule an appointment for a cleaning or any restorative dentistry service, call (770) 860-8760. Visit the website for more information about this dental practice. 
