
Are you planning to move into an assisted living facility in the near future? If so, you may be unsure of what personal items you should keep and what to get rid of. Downsizing will make your move much easier, and having a plan of how to do so will simplify the process. 

A Guide to Downsizing for Assisted Living 

1. Dates & Lists

As soon as you know you’ll be moving, set a date on your calendar to start going through items. Write down a list of essentials you know you want to keep. Once packing commences, you can check them off the list to ensure nothing gets left behind. Also, write down anything you’d enjoy donating or giving away. This way, you don’t have to make the decision to part ways with items last minute. 

2. Storage 

assisted livingIf you have belongings you’re not willing to give up just yet, locate a storage unit close to your new home. This way, you can keep them and not worry about donating them prior to your move, giving you more time to deal with everything. Also, storage units are often an affordable option for seniors on a budget. 

3. Furniture

Assisted living centers generally provide furniture such as a bed, couch, chairs, and dining set. However, you should find out what a facility offers before getting rid of all your furniture. If you have certain pieces that hold sentimental value, discover if you’ll have room in your new living space to accommodate them. 


Are you searching for a comfortable assisted living facility for you or a loved one? Speltz Estates Assisted Living in Lewiston, MN, has offered high-quality senior care in a welcoming, pleasant environment for nearly 30 years. Each unit has a small kitchen, dining area, and living room, and they have plenty of fun and engaging activities for residents. To learn more, visit their website or call (507) 523-2252 today. 
