
If your dentist recently recommended a root canal treatment, you may not know what to expect when it comes to the recovery process. This procedure is used to treat a tooth that has nerve damage due to decay or infection but allows you to keep the natural tooth. To ensure your root canal goes smoothly, consider the following tips.

How to Recover After a Root Canal

1. Take All Medications

Because a root canal is typically used to treat infected teeth, your dentist may prescribe you an antibiotic to take prior to or after the procedure. Additionally, you may be given a pain pill to use to minimize discomfort during recovery. Follow your dentist’s exact instructions on medication usage and dosage — and don’t stop taking it without talking to them first.

2. Keep the Area Clean

dentistAfter any dental procedure, it’s crucial to keep the afflicted area clean and free of food debris. Rinse your mouth out with warm water to keep the area clean. Brush your teeth twice a day, but do so gently on the tooth you had work done on.

3. Avoid Pressure

The area around the impacted tooth will likely be tender after a root canal. To minimize discomfort, avoid eating hard, sticky, and chewy foods. Stick to soups and softer foods for at least one day after the procedure.

4. Pay Attention to Pain

While most of the discomfort experienced after root canals is manageable with over-the-counter pain reliever, pay attention to how much pain you’re in and when it starts occurring. While some tenderness is common, if you experience stabbing or excruciating levels, contact your dentist as soon as possible to rule out any type of infection.


Don’t hesitate to talk to your dentist about any questions or concerns you have involving the procedure. With two convenient locations in Wasilla and Anchorage, AK, Four Corners Dental Group provides a variety of important oral health services to families, including crowns, bridges, and root canals. To learn more about the dental practice’s services, visit their website or call (907) 258-3384.
