
Whether you’re decorating your porch or bringing your favorite blooms inside, a good flower pot is essential for a healthy plant. A pot which is too large for your plant will retain water and encourage root rot, while one which is too small will dry out too quickly and leave your plant parched. Here are a few recommendations to help you find the size that’s just right for the type of gardening you want to do.

10 Inches

gardeningA pot with a 10-inch diameter is easy to move and is a good choice for individual plants which are small in size. This includes a variety of annuals, as well as small produce like strawberries, French carrots, turnips, and small herbs. If the plant begins to outgrow the pot, just repot it in one which is two to four inches larger.

14 to 18 Inches

A pot of this size is a good choice for medium-sized produce, including cabbage, dwarf sweet corn, broccoli, or eggplant. Incorporate a trellis into the pot to plant pole beans or tomatoes. You can also plant up to six annual flowers in an 18-inch pot for abundant blossoms that almost overflow the container.

24 to 30 Inches

If you’re up for a gardening challenge, choose one of these large tubs and plant a shrub, dwarf tree, or squash vine. Full-sized fig trees, dwarf peaches, pomegranates, and berry bushes are excellent candidates to keep in this way, so you can enjoy all the delicious fruit you can grow while still taking advantage of a potted plant’s mobility and ease of care.


For various sizes of pots and other gardening supplies, visit Garden Exchange in Hilo, HI. For over 50 years this family-owned and -operated garden store has supplied the Big Island with plants, tools, fertilizer, and lawn mowers for all types of gardening endeavors. For questions, call them today at (808) 961-2875, and visit them online for more information.
