
Though most dogs are friendly and loveable, there are some aggressive canines that injure people each year. If you were bitten by a dog, you may be eligible to pursue compensation from the owner. It’s often wise to seek legal advice from a personal injury attorney after you’ve been attacked to determine what steps to take next.

Why You Should Call an Attorney to Discuss a Dog Bite Claim 

1. You Have Questions Concerning Liability 

Unfortunately, not all dog owners take responsibility for their pet’s actions. If this happens to you, it’s best to speak with an attorney about your legal options. Schedule a consultation if you’re not sure what the law is in your state regarding liability for dog bites and how it applies to this situation. 

2. You Had to Seek Medical Attention 

attorneyIf you experienced substantial injuries from a dog attack that required medical attention, a legal representative can help you file a claim to pursue restitution for doctor bills and medical treatment. You shouldn’t have to pay out-of-pocket and bear the financial burden of an incident that occurred through no fault of your own. 

3. You Were Forced to Take Time Off Work  

A dog bite injury may be so severe that the victim must take time off work to recover. If this happens to you, your lost wages can add up quickly. An attorney can calculate how much you should be reimbursed and include it in your claim. 


Dog bites inflict a lot of physical pain and emotional trauma that can result in significant financial hardship. That’s why victims should recover the damages they’re entitled to. Having an established attorney on your side will maximize your compensation. With more than four decades of experience in personal injury law, the legal team at Neimark & Neimark has fought for the rights of residents throughout Orange and Rockland counties in New York. Call (888) 725-7424 or visit their website to learn more about how they will help you.
