
Fleas may seem like nothing more than a minor annoyance, but if left untreated, an infestation can cause serious problems for everyone in the household. For example, dogs can get tapeworms by swallowing fleas when grooming themselves. Irritation and infections are also common because of the constant scratching. Additionally, some people have allergic reactions to fleas. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to stop pets from hosting these pests or bringing them into the house. Below, explains what you need to know about preventing infestations and using flea medicine

Year-Round Protection            

Your vet can recommend topical or oral flea medicine, which protects against infestations by killing both adult fleas and larvae. For comprehensive protection, some formulas also stop eggs from hatching. Typically, this medication needs to be ingested or applied between the shoulder blades every 30 days, and in a climate like Kentucky’s, it’s wise to use it 12 months out of the year. Most of these medications also protect against ticks, but confirm with your vet that your particular brand does if you plan on taking your pets camping or hiking this summer. 

Other Kinds of Prevention 

flea medicineUnfortunately, no flea medicine is 100% foolproof. That means pet owners should also take steps to prevent fleas and ticks from encroaching on the areas where their cats and dogs spend most of their time. If you have a lawn, for example, keep the grass short. Both fleas and ticks thrive in long grass, so cutting it regularly will create a hostile environment for them. Additionally, vacuum inside the house regularly, and dispose of the bag or the vacuum’s contents outside after each cleaning session. Wash all of your pets’ bedding occasionally, and brush them daily so you will spot any unwelcome intruders in their coat immediately.  

If you think your furry friends have contracted fleas or you need a refill on their flea medicine, turn to Mt. Washington Animal Clinic. Request an appointment by visiting their website or by calling (502) 955-6822. 
