
Beyond sewage backups inside the house and foul smells and soggy spots in the yard, a failing septic system will compromise the safety of everyone in the household. According to the professionals at Sewer Solutions in Hilo, HI, damaged equipment can release harmful fumes into the air that could make your family sick. That’s why they recommend scheduling routine septic tank pumping and inspections to prevent hazardous breakdowns.

What Health Concerns Are Associated With Failing Septic Systems?

Methane Leaks Could Cause Respiratory Problems

Methane is one toxic gas housed in the septic tank that can be dangerous if released into the air. Methane is colorless, odorless, and highly flammable, which means a fire could ignite when turning on gas-powered stoves or other heating equipment. When inhaled, methane pushes out oxygen in the lungs, increasing the risk of suffocating. If your family is troubled with respiratory problems, damaged septic equipment could be the cause. Contact a septic tank pumping specialist for help. They will examine the tank for holes, check for pipe corrosion, and make any necessary repairs to restore your septic system to working condition. 

Hydrogen Sulfide Irritates the Nose & Eyes 

Hilo-Hawaii-septic-tank-pumpingHydrogen sulfide gas has a distinct odor. If spoiled food isn’t the cause of a rotten egg smell wafting through the house, a problem with the septic system is a possible explanation. In addition to its stench, it can cause mild headaches, burning eyes, and olfactory fatigue. The gas is absorbed quickly through lungs, which can also result in respiratory issues. A septic repair specialist will provide a thorough equipment inspection to eliminate the odor and improve your family’s health. 

Airborne Bacteria Increases Risk of Infection

When the septic tank fails, the waste meant to leave your property could flow back through drains and settle inside the house. The sludge contains harmful bacteria and mold spores that could cause sinus infections or exacerbate asthma symptoms when inhaled. If you have sewage backups inside the house, call a repair technician immediately to fix the drainage issue before it impacts your family’s health. 

Whether you need routine septic tank pumping or new equipment installed, rely on the professionals at Sewer Solutions 24/7 to improve system efficiency while increasing comfort and safety. They will also share tips to keep the system healthy between professional service checks. To schedule a septic tank installation or pumping appointment on the Big Island, call (808) 430-2323. Visit the septic tank pumping specialists online for more information on their services.
