
Termites are detrimental to the structure of your home, and uncovering an infestation is an unpleasant surprise. Fortunately, there are several termite control steps you can take to avoid structural damage and a hefty insurance claim. These simple steps can save you major headaches down the road.

5 Steps to Prevent Termites

1. Remove Old Tree Stumps

If you had one or more trees removed from your yard but left the stumps in place, consider having those removed as well. Those stumps create the perfect nest for the termites, and over time, they may migrate to your home. The cost of stump removal can get expensive, but it’s considerably less than the cost of making structural repairs or even rebuilding your home.

2. Store Firewood Away From the House

termite controlOne of the simplest and cheapest ways to prevent termites is to store firewood and other cellulose/organic matter away from your home. The longer those materials are allowed to sit out near your home, the greater risk you take in attracting the pests into your home. This is a simple termite control solution that won’t cost any money.

3. Fill Cracks & Holes

Believe it or not, termites can enter your home through the concrete foundation if there are holes or cracks in it. The best way to keep them out is by sealing those cracks and holes as soon as you notice them. Not only will this deter pests, but it will also seal out moisture and prevent mold growth.

4. Avoid Wood-to-Ground Contact

Whether your home has wood siding, latticework, door and window frames, or other wood elements, if they’re touching the ground, termites will use that opportunity to burrow into your home. These items should be six or more inches off the ground for better termite control.

5. Schedule Regular Termite Inspections

The best prevention strategy is to schedule regular termite inspections by your local pest control company. This is particularly important if you live in a wooded area, as you may be at a greater risk for termites. The exterminator will know exactly what to look for and can spot signs of termites well before they’ve done extensive damage.


If you’ve noticed signs of termites, like small holes in wood and nearby sawdust-like matter, act quickly to resolve the problem. The exterminators at AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal offer termite control and treatment services to homeowners and businesses in Lewisburg, OH, and the surrounding areas. In addition to termite inspections and treatments, they also handle bedbugs, fleas, ants, and more. If you’re in need of pest control, don’t delay in contacting these exterminators at (937) 884-5646. For more information on the services they provide, visit them online.
