
Whether you’re preparing for your first Pap smear or have been seeing the gynecologist for years, there are several tasks you can do beforehand to optimize the appointment. It can be simple and quick preparing for a Pap smear, from writing down a list of questions to scheduling at the right time. If you’re due for an exam, here are a few ways to plan for the appointment. 

How to Prepare for a Pap Smear

1. Check Your Calendar

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends women to schedule a Pap smear every three years if they’re between the ages of 21-29. For women 30 and older, they can schedule it every three years or have it every five years with an HPV co-test. When it’s time to schedule a Pap smear, select a time of the month when you’re not on your period or aren’t bleeding heavily. This will make it easier for the gynecologist to clearly examine the results. 

2. Avoid Sex or Douching Beforehand

gynecologistAvoid putting anything in your vagina for two days before a Pap smear. Douching, sex, or tampons can sometimes mask abnormalities, which could cause inaccurate results and may require additional testing.

3. Tell the Gynecologist About Past Abnormal Results

If you’ve ever had a Pap smear with abnormal results—even if further testing revealed nothing serious—tell the doctor before the exam. Also, if an abnormal Pap smear led to a biopsy or colposcopy, share these results. This will keep them aware of any particular issues to look out for.

4. Jot Down Any Questions

If you have any concerns, write these down and bring them with you. This is the perfect time to talk with your gynecologist about any issues or problems you’ve developed in the past few years.


By following these tips, you’ll get the most out of the appointment with the gynecologist. If it’s time to schedule a Pap smear, contact Walton Family Medicine PC in Monroe, GA. They provide all-encompassing medical services, from wellness visits and gynecology appointments to pediatrics and sports medicine. To learn more about this medical practice and their women’s health services, visit the website or call (770) 267-7093.
