
You have a lot to look forward to during the summer months: long days by the water, outdoor barbecues with friends, and plenty of quality time with loved ones. However, you’re probably not very eager about the prospect of higher utility bills. AA Electric, an electrician in Honolulu, HI, shares a few tips to save energy without skimping on fun this season.

Electrician’s Energy-Saving Tips for Summer

1. Turn Off the Oven

electricianCooking at home is wonderful, but heat-producing appliances like your oven and stove can raise the temperature in your kitchen. Keep the air conditioner off and cook meals outdoors on the grill. Alternatively, use smaller appliances to prepare your food, like a slow cooker or microwave.

2. Modify Your Laundry Process

In most cases, cold water can clean laundry just as effectively as hot water. Then take advantage of the warm weather by air-drying clothes rather than running them through the dryer. You’ll save on the electrical bill and enjoy naturally fresh laundry.

3. Shut Your Blinds

It’s tempting to leave the windows open all day, but sunlight will raise the temperature in your home. Instead, draw the blinds during the hottest part of the day to trap cold air inside your home and keep the sun out.

4. Pay Attention to Empty Rooms

Turn off the lights when they’re not in use, and close the doors and vents to empty rooms. You don’t want to waste cool air or electricity in unoccupied spaces.

With these tips in mind, you can cut back on energy usage without making major sacrifices. When in doubt, reach out to your local electrician for additional recommendations and seasonal best practices. Honolulu residents trust the knowledgeable team at AA Electric for all of their electrical questions and maintenance needs. Since 1947, this locally owned company has provided safe, code-compliant electrical repairs and installations with top-tier customer care. Call (808) 841-4131 to speak with a representative about your needs, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
