
Hard water refers to water with high mineral content. Calcium and magnesium are the main dissolved minerals in hard water, and while they do not cause health problems, they stain faucets and dishware, add film to shower doors and walls, contribute to dry skin and dull hair, make clothes dingy, and create buildup in pipes. The water well maintenance team at Dansville Water Wells, in Livingston County, NY, note that hard water means spending extra money on soap and other personal care products, as well as detergent and plumbing services.

What Can You Do About Hard Water? Your Local Water Well Maintenance Team Explains

Use Hard Water-Minded Products

Reduce hard water problems with products specifically formulated for high mineral content. White vinegar, for example, is an inexpensive, non-toxic, all-purpose cleaning agent you can add to your dishwasher and coffeemaker to reduce hard water stains and enjoy better-tasting java, respectively. Use vinegar to clean mineral buildup on fixtures as well, and purchase personal care products designed to cleanse hair and skin of mineral film.

Schedule Testing

water well maintenanceBuy a hard water testing kit at your local home supply store or schedule professional testing services to determine the hardness level, which is measured in grains per gallon, milligrams per liter (mg/l) or parts per million (ppm). Learn about soft and hard water classifications to make it easier for you to buy the right softening or conditioning system. 

Install a Conditioning System

Choose among softening systems, such as permanent mechanical softening units, to remove calcium and magnesium from your plumbing every day. The unit utilizes ion exchange where water sifts through a media bed of sodium-soaked sulfonated polystyrene beads. The beads attract the minerals as they release sodium into the water. This system requires recharging with a salt brine mixture when the beads reach their saturation limit. If you choose this system, consult your physician, as you may be advised to use softened water for cleaning only. Do not use soft sodium water for cooking, drinking, or watering plants.

Electronic water conditioning systems offer a different solution in they emit sonic waves to prevent limescale molecules from building up on pipe walls.

Don’t let hard water affect your home and its plumbing system. Work with the water well maintenance team at Dansville Water Wells. The company provides water purification options in addition to water well pump and well drilling services, and offers 40 years of industry experience. Call the 24/7 water well maintenance team today at (585) 335-3356 or visit the website for more information.
