
The flooring in a home impacts its design and feel. So, when it grows older and begins showing its age, your home’s appearance will suffer. Although sometimes all it takes is a deep cleaning to make your floor look like new again, you may want to opt for an upgrade under certain circumstances.

How to Tell if Your Flooring Needs Replacing

1. Worsening Allergies

Carpets make rooms quieter and floors softer. Unfortunately, they also trap dust, pollen, and other allergens. While regular vacuuming and biannual deep cleanings can help minimize this problem, it becomes increasingly difficult as the flooring ages. Mold growth is another concern, particularly in humid areas or rooms where spills are common. New carpeting can help relieve your allergies, but if you own a pet, consider opting for hardwood or tiles instead.

2. Deep or Numerous Cracks

flooring Kerrville TXCracked, broken flooring will hamper your interior design. The uneven terrain will pose a tripping hazard, and the spaces can serve as breeding grounds for insects. Most importantly, spreading cracks can indicate foundation issues, improper installation, or moisture problems. Before having your new material installed, have the contractor inspect for these potential dilemmas.

3. Visible Stains & Scratches

Older floors are less resistant to spills and scuffs. This results in lingering wear and tear even if you practice thorough cleaning and maintenance. If you notice more stains, peeling, or fading color, opt for a replacement.


When it’s time to say goodbye to your old floors, stop by CD Flooring in Kerrville, TX. These experts provide ceramic tile, laminate, and hardwood floor installations in Kerr County. They also offer a variety of kitchen and bathroom design services, including tiling for backsplashes and showers. Call (830) 257-3350 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
