
Cellphones are a crucial component of the modern world, making life easier and more enjoyable. When something goes awry, however, whether it’s a cracked screen or water damage, it can put a major kink in your routine. The experts at Experimac Aurora in Arapahoe County, CO, offer a broad range of Apple® computer repair services. Here, they explain when to repair or replace your iPhone®

When to Repair 

1. Your Screen Has a Minor Crack

A cracked screen is one of the most common issues people experience. Fortunately, a minor crack can be fixed. Don’t try to repair it yourself, however; instead, take it to a computer repair shop to ensure the job is done right. Typically, fixing a screen costs hundreds of dollars less than buying a new device. 

2. It Has Water Damage

Water can cause various types of damage to an iPhone, ranging from fixable issues to severe problems. Sometimes, replacing the battery or repairing the screen is feasible. Because water damage is typically not covered by warranty plans, it’s best to take your phone to a repair professional before shelling out money for a new device. 

3. You’re Not Due for an Upgrade Yet

If you’re not yet due for an upgrade, you’ll have to pay full price for a new phone. If the damage is fixable, such as a minor crack in the screen or limited storage space, consider holding off on a replacement until an upgrade is available with your contract. 

When to Replace 

1. You Don’t Like the Phone

computer repairPerhaps the camera isn’t as good as you’d want or the user interface is challenging to navigate. For whatever reason, if you don’t like your phone, it might be worthwhile to get a replacement. That way, you can get a new device you’re happy with.

2. It’s Old

Outdated technology can be a pain; not only are old devices often a little rough around the edges, but they might not be compatible with the latest software and apps. If you’ve had the device for more than a couple of years, check to see if you’re eligible for an upgrade through your cell provider. 

3. Your Screen Is Broken

If the screen is shattered, the impact probably also caused internal damage. In this scenario, you could discover more extensive work is needed after repairing the screen. It might be more economical to replace the device entirely.

For reliable, knowledgeable computer repair in Arapahoe County, turn to Experimac Aurora. These local Apple experts can help you decide whether to repair or replace your iPhone device. They also sell pre-owned Apple products, if you’re looking for an upgrade. Call (720) 870-6956 or visit their website to learn more about their repair services. 
