
Whether you have crowded, gapped, or crooked teeth, braces can help you achieve a straighter smile. Given the considerable commitment it requires, however, Delgado Orthodontics in North Richland Hills, TX, encourages all patients to take time to explore the ins and outs of braces before signing up for treatment. If you’re curious about the way these innovative devices can correct your alignment issues, this orthodontist answers some of the top questions people have about wearing braces.

FAQ About Braces

How Do Braces Work?

Braces consist of a series of brackets and wires that are faceted around teeth. Applying a slight amount of constant pressure, this framework gradually shifts teeth in the desired direction. Throughout treatment, an orthodontist will adjust the braces to ensure progress is being made—in the right manner.

When Should You Start Treatment?

Generally, patients tend to start treatment during their early teens, as this is when individuals are mature enough to manage the responsibilities of orthodontic gear. However, each individual mouth is different, and these devices can be worn much earlier (Phase One) —even before all baby teeth are lost. Adult braces are another popular option for individuals who want to correct alignment issues later in life.

What Is the Proper Way to Care for Braces?

bracesSince food can easily get stuck behind orthodontic gear, individuals must make sure to completely brush and floss around the wires and brackets. Fortunately, floss threaders and interdental brushes can simplify the cleaning process. Patients should also avoid a variety of foods that can complicate or damage braces—particularly those that are hard, sticky, or chewy.   

How Long Does Treatment Take?

For the most part, patients can expect to wear traditional metal braces for about two years. However, the time it might take for you will ultimately depend on the nature of your misalignment and treatment compliance. Some individuals can be done with treatment in as little as a year, while those with more complex cases might require three or more years of care.

Are There Any Alternatives?

If conventional wires and brackets aren’t a fit for you, there are several other ways you might pursue orthodontic treatment. If you require more flexibility, removable Invisalign® aligner trays could also be a worthy alternative.

The best way to know if braces are right for you is to speak with a trusted, specifically-trained orthodontist. As a patient of Delgado Orthodontics, you can enjoy a high level of care that will maximize comfort and improve results. They will help you explore the best orthodontic solutions for you—including traditional braces or Invisalign. Visit this clinic online to learn more about their teeth-straightening capabilities, or call (817) 282-1821 to schedule a convenient consultation.
