
Have you been thinking about that beautiful smile you’ve always wanted? Veneers are a great solution for teeth that are stained, chipped or that have spaces or gaps. However, veneers are an irreversible treatment so it’s important to discuss with Dr. Joy Lunan what is involved with this particular treatment and decide if its right for you. 

Veneers are thin shells of medical grade ceramic or porcelain material that are attached to the front surfaces of your teeth for an immediate transformation to natural looking teeth. Dr. Lunan can use veneers for many reasons including correcting small misalignments and closing spaces between teeth. Some patients may opt to use this as a solution to discolorations or certain fractures or breaks in the teeth as well. Thanks to their natural appearance and wide array of functions, veneers rank among the most trusted procedures in cosmetic dentistry. 

If you are considering veneers you should know that it is important to have good periodontal and overall heath and be committed to proper oral hygiene care. If you fit this desciption then call Dr. Lunan’s dental office in Middlebury, CT today to schedule a consult. Dr. Lunan will discuss with you your specific cosmetic goals and your realsitic expectations. She will need to determine if you have sufficient tooth enamel for veneers as a small layer must sometimes be removed. 

Patients with conditions such as tooth decay or gum disease typically are not candidates right away. After Dr. Lunan treats these issues however, you may be cleared to move forward with veneers and cosmetic treatment. If you tend to grind your teeth or clench your jaw, this may hold up your treatment as well. The porcelain used to make the veneers is extremely strong, but the forces placed on teeth when you grind or clench may make the veneers break or pop off. Dr. Lunan will need to treat your underlying cause of grinding and clenching prior to treatment with veneers. 

The only way you can truly determine if you are a veneer candidate is to come in and visit Dr. Lunan. After she checks over your health history and oral health she will be able to make an informed decision on your suitability for veneer treatment. Dr. Lunan can also discuss your options for alternative cosmetic treatments. Give her office a call today to schedule your consult. (203) 598-7920
