
Kids will be kids, and they love to play hard. They probably don’t think about the safety of their teeth while running around. How can you prevent your active child from getting a tooth knocked out? Pediatric dentist Allen K. Hirai, DDS, at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala, in Honolulu, HI, has the following tips.

How to Keep Your Child From Knocking Out a Tooth

1. Have Them Wear a Mouthguard

If your child is an athlete, a mouthguard will protect their teeth while they’re on the field. Mouthguards are available at sporting goods stores in a stock size or the boil-and-bite variety, but neither is the most comfortable option. To guarantee your child will wear their mouth guard, work with a pediatric dentist to create a custom one. Also, if your child is in a high-impact sport, make sure they wear a helmet and face guard.

2. Teeth Are for Eating—Not a Tool

Teach your child that teeth are for eating, smiling, and talking, and not to be used as a tool. Even adults shouldn’t open bottles, bags, or chew on pencils, paper clips, or matches with their teeth. Likewise, chewing ice is not healthy for teeth and weakens them. Ask your pediatric dentist for tips on how to prevent children from chewing on toys, pencils, and so on.

3. Beware the Bouncy House & Pool

pediatric-dentist-kahalaSome situations increase the possibility of accidental collisions. Bouncy houses and swimming pools are prime examples, or any environment where there is rough-and-tumble play and lots of kids. Instruct your child to be mindful of their teeth and to watch out for others at these places.


Help protect your child’s teeth by following the above tips and taking them to see a pediatric dentist regularly. If it’s time for a dental exam or you’d like a custom mouthguard for your child, turn to Dr. Hirai and his team at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala. For 30 years, Dr. Hirai has specialized in dentistry for kids of all ages, from infants to teenagers. He is also one of the only non-sedation dentists in Hawaii. Call (808) 737-0076 to schedule an appointment, and visit the website to learn more about this practice’s services.
