
Whether you throw a party or simply enjoy a cocktail as you relax at home, there are a few drinks you should have in your mixing arsenal no matter what. These classic cocktails are timeless and reliable, sure to please anyone’s palate, regardless of their liquor preference.

Cocktails Everyone Should Know How to Make at Home

1. Dry Martini

A dry gin martini is a must-have on any cocktail list. This traditional drink is made of only gin and dry vermouth, along with a dash of bitters. Garnish your true martini with either an olive or lemon twist, and enjoy the sophisticated simplicity of this classic drink.

2. Old-Fashioned

The star of an old-fashioned is the bourbon whiskey with bitters and simple sugar rounding out the recipe. The key to this traditional cocktail is the process of mixing the ingredients. Old-fashioneds should always be stirred and not shaken. Add ice and a citrus peel to finish it off.

3. Mojito

liquorA mojito is a refreshing, easy-to-make rum and club soda drink. Although there are variations of this cocktail, the classic muddled lime and fresh mint make mojitos a cool treat for a hot day. If you want to experiment, add lemon, grapefruit, coconut, or even blueberries to your mix.

4. Margarita

There are many ways to make a margarita, but the traditional version consists of tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. Rub a lime wedge over the rim of your glass and then, dip it in salt. Strain your classic margarita over ice and into the salted glass for a delicious mix of sweet and salty.

5. Daquiri

Start with a chilled glass or add ice. Pour rum, lime juice, and simple syrup over crushed ice and shake well. Strain and serve it for a delicious, refreshing cocktail. Variations of this treat include frozen, strawberry, banana, and pineapple.


When you need liquor for your cocktails, or you want to browse the largest wine selection in Norwich, CT, head to Universal Discount Package Store. This wine and spirits store has an impressive inventory of beer, wine, and liquor, making it easy to find what you need for a wedding, party, or your personal stock. Call the liquor store at (860) 889-6555 or visit the website.
