
Your roof is the first line of defense against storms, debris, and other outside forces. The best way to keep it in top condition is to schedule regular professional inspections. Since there are no hard rules on how often you need this service, the commercial roofing contractors at A & M Contractors in Lincoln, NE, explain the factors that should influence your decision.

Consider the Age and Condition

First, consider the overall condition of the roof. Inspect from the ground level. How do the shingles look? Are they stripped of texture? Any dents, bends, chips, or missing pieces mean you're due for immediate service and will likely need twice-annual inspections until it comes time to replace the roof. Apart from the physical condition, consider age. A newer building or one with a recent roof replacement may require less maintenance. If yours is nearing 20 years of age, however, have it inspected once or twice a year.

Consider the Materials

The composition is another crucial quality to consider. Some products are more durable and resilient than others. One of the most common materials used is asphalt shingles. These should be checked by a commercial roofing company once every three years. The same is true for composite or wooden shingles. Other rooftops, such as tile, are more resistant to the elements. They can go around five years before an inspection is required. Metal roofs may be the most durable. However, even they should be looked over once every five to seven years to ensure their health.

If you're due for an inspection, rely on A & M Contractors in Lincoln. With more than 15 years of experience inspecting, repairing, and replacing residential and commercial roofing, they are the leading experts in the Lincoln area. These contractors value quality and affordability, which is why they attach a 100% satisfaction guarantee to every job. Whether you require flat roof replacement or commercial roof repair, they're your go-to team. For more information, visit their website or call (402) 890-2343 today.
