
If you’re a cat person, you probably let them rule the roost. However, despite having unconditional love for your furry friend, you’ll want to prevent them from going to the bathroom in places where they shouldn’t. According to Jerry’s Carpet Cleaning Service of Wisconsin Rapids, WI, there are several ways to keep a kitty from relieving themselves outside of the litter box. Here, these carpet cleaners share how to keep the flooring in top shape.

Carpet Cleaners’ Tips to Prevent Your Cat From Peeing on the Floor

1. Reset Their Favorite Spot

Some cats are inclined to pee and produce hairballs on the carpet because it is where they feel the most comfortable. While your feline may be a homebody, their ancestors felt at home in the soft grass, which carpet imitates. To reset a cat’s perception of their potty spot, put the litter box over the problem area. 

2. Consider Sizing

carpet cleaningIn some cases, a cat may be using the carpet to go to the bathroom because it provides more space. If you purchased their litter box when they were a kitten, upgrade to a larger one that will meet their needs. If you have multiple cats, invest in several litter boxes, so they feel like they have enough room to relieve themselves.

3. Cover the Scent

As animals, cats are inclined to mark their territory with their pheromones, either by scratching or going to the bathroom. To prevent them from using the rug as a toilet, hire a professional carpet cleaner to eliminate all traces of past accidents. If a cat can’t smell where they peed in the past, they’ll be less inclined to go outside of their litter box again.

If your cat is ruining the flooring, contact Jerry’s Carpet Cleaning Services for expert help. These trusted carpet cleaners have been preserving floors for almost half a century. They’ll be happy to help your cat find their footing. For more information about their capabilities, visit the website or call (715) 423-8273.
