
Several health issues and medical conditions can impede blood flow to the tissue in your legs and feet, which need oxygen and nutrients to function normally. These conditions can increase the risk of amputation and even death if not treated. However, many patients ignore signs of poor circulation or blame them on age. Don’t let that be you—tell a podiatrist if you notice any of the following symptoms.

5 Common Symptoms of Poor Circulation

1. Pain & Cramps

Without an adequate supply of oxygen, your feet and calves may cramp up even after minimal activity. Chronic pain may indicate peripheral artery disease, which can lead to permanent nerve damage.

2. Cold Hands & Feet

podiatristBlood keeps your body warm; therefore, restricted flow leaves extremities cold to the touch. Cold hands and feet in warm weather may be a sign of a critical circulation issue.

3. Numbness & Tingling

Do your feet often tingle, or fall asleep easily? Weak or obstructed circulation will cut off blood supply when the foot is elevated or even if you cross your legs.

4. Swelling

Some circulatory conditions can cause severe swelling of the legs, sometimes accompanied by skin discoloration. Report any swelling to your podiatrist immediately, especially if it’s intermittent.

5. Discolored Toes

In extreme cases, inadequate blood flow can cause toes to turn blue or purple. If your toes are discolored, show a podiatrist as soon as possible, particularly if they’re tingling or numb.


With offices in Cleveland and Twinsburg, OH, Dr. Eric D. Trattner is one of the area’s leading podiatrists, offering high-quality care for a broad range of conditions. Whether you’re suffering from heel pain or poor circulation, rely on this practice's cutting-edge treatment to get you back on your feet. Visit their website for an overview of their services. To schedule an appointment in Twinsburg, call (330) 405-3301. You may reach the Cleveland office at (440) 333-5350.
