
A properly ventilated roof is essential to your home’s year-round comfort. Without a reliable system in place, the attic would easily overheat and develop excess moisture. As the roofing contractors at Shrum Roofing & Construction in Waterloo, IL, explain, homeowners have several options, and the ridge vent is one of the most effective. Many homes, however, are equipped with box venting systems. 

Why You Should Upgrade to a Ridge Vent

1. Enhanced Appearance

roofing contractorRidge vents elevate a home’s energy efficiency considerably. When roofing contractors install them properly, they sit much like raised profiles along the length of the roof’s horizontal peak. This is why they’re best suited to homes with sloped rooftops. Unlike box vents, however, which are small abutments that might be visible, ridged systems blend into the existing design, creating a seamless look that won’t affect your curb appeal.

2. Temperature Control

One of the downsides of box vents is their inability to properly control the roof’s surface temperature. A single box is only effective for a limited area, which is why homes require several to properly ventilate the roofing. This also means that many parts of the roof are left too hot or cold as a result. By contrast, the ridge distributes its temperature evenly across the entire surface of the roof, maintaining even air temperature throughout.

3. Decelerated Aging

Although its life span ultimately depends on the quality of the installation and the material, the average rooftop is expected to last anywhere from 15 to 25 years. Areas of the roof that are too hot or cold can easily suffer the effects over time, from advanced decay and warping shingles to cracks on the surface. Ridge vents maintain an even surface temperature, which reduces the odds of roof repairs and helps prolong its life span.

If your current ventilation system isn’t effective, the roofing contractors at Shrum Roofing & Construction can help. They work with all types of materials and are available to perform roof and siding repairs, installations, and maintenance. Visit their website to learn more about how they can help improve the quality of your roofing, or give them a call at (618) 977-3425 to speak with a friendly representative.
