
Summer is the ideal time of year for bike rides, barbecues, and celebrations. Unfortunately, amid all the outdoor fun and festivities, people tend to neglect their oral care routines. To ensure you smile brightly all year round, the friendly team at the dental office of Drs Emery & Scuro DMD, PC, in Rochester, NY, share a few tips about which common and unhealthy habits to avoid. 

Dental Office on Summertime Habits to Curb

1. Forgetting Protective Gear

Sports like rollerblading and softball games are common summer pastimes. However, before you play, remember to grab a mouth guard, helmet, and other protective gear. Each year, about 5 million Americans suffer from sports-related dental injuries, many of which are preventable by wearing the right apparel.  The sport mouth guards we make offer more protection and comfort than generic ones.  This encourages more use when engaging in sports.

2. Eating Too Many Sweet & Citrusy Treats

dental officeHot weather tends to compel people to consume more sweet and icy treats, like lemonade, ice cream, and Popsicles®. Unfortunately, all that sugar leads to tooth decay and gum disease, even with regular brushing and flossing. Meanwhile, citrusy foods and drinks produce acid in the mouth that erodes enamel, leaving teeth more susceptible to damage. When you get a craving, munch on fresh fruit, like apples, instead.

3. Not Drinking Enough Water

People tend to sweat more and dehydrate quicker in hot weather. Though it’s recommended to consume at least two liters of water per day, the sweltering heat often calls for more. When your mouth is dry, harmful bacteria sticks to the teeth, increasing the likelihood of decay. To prevent any issues, drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially after meals or having alcohol.  Avoid “energy” and “sport” drinks as they are loaded with sugar.

Though these tips will help, maintaining a sparkling summer smile involves regular visits to the dental office. The experienced dentists at Drs Emery & Scuro DMD, PC, have been offering high-caliber care for over 35 years. They provide general and cosmetic dentistry services in a state-of-the-art facility. For more information about the practice, visit the website. To schedule an appointment, call the dental office today at (585) 247-7110.
