
As the weather continues to warm up, carpenter ants come out in full force. With some assistance from an exterminating team, you can keep these creatures out of your home. Below is a guide to carpenter ants and how to prevent and remove them.

What Signs Do They Leave?

exterminatingIn many cases, you can see the ants walking along the counter or on a windowsill. These ants tend to be slightly larger than other ants you’ve seen and tend to be black or red.  They also leave traces in the form of sawdust after spending enough time in a wooden nest. Sometimes, carpenter ants can also be heard; if you put your ear up to the wall, listen for any kind of unusual activity. 

How Can You Keep Them Away?

The first step in keeping your home ant-free is to be as careful as possible with food in the kitchen. Food should never be left out, and leftovers should always be sealed in airtight containers. Remove any crumbs that could attract ants. Also, consider possible nesting sites for the ants. They love to live in old, rotting wood, so make sure you clear away stumps or piles of firewood. 

Is There a Way to Get Rid of Them?

If you do notice that carpenter ants have entered your home, schedule an appointment with a professional exterminating company. Going it alone can bring you into contact with the ants, which will bite if antagonized. Additionally, many of the chemicals that supposedly take care of the ants can be harmful to children. It takes a veteran exterminating team to identify the colony and remove it. 


If you spot carpenter ants in your home, immediately reach out to the exterminating experts at RemTech in St. Paul, MN. Offering everything from roach to rodent control, the ants are no problem for the region’s top pest specialists. To request an extermination, call (651) 600-9983, and learn more about the company by visiting their website
