
There are many factors that play into the incidence of breast cancer. Some, like being a woman, your age, and genetic heritage cannot be changed. However, there are many ways you can lower other risk factors. The professional gynecologists at Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates in Fairfield, OH, suggest the following methods to decrease your risk of breast cancer.

Tips for Preventing Breast Cancer

1. Limit Tobacco & Alcohol Use

Breast cancer research shows that drinking alcohol increases the risk of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. Alcohol raises the levels of hormones, such as estrogen, associated with this type of cancer. Excessive alcohol use can damage DNA as well, which impacts cancer risk. Women who have 3 or more drinks a week are 15% more likely to develop breast cancer.

Smoking is never healthy. It is linked to a number of diseases and increases the risk of breast cancer, especially in younger women. The effects of smoking may also complicate the treatment of breast cancer, such as radiation and slow healing times after surgery.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Fat cells make estrogen, so having extra fat means that there is more estrogen in the body. This excess can create hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. Extra weight after menopause increases this risk, and if you have had breast cancer, extra weight may increase the recurrence of the disease. Talk to your gynecologist if you need help developing a healthy eating plan. Consuming nutritious food is linked to breast cancer prevention. Minimize sugar and processed foods and focus on a plant-based, whole foods diet.

3. Exercise

Like healthy weight, a regular, moderate exercise plan is crucial to reducing the risk of breast cancer and many other diseases. Exercise naturally helps you keep weight at an optimal level. Research indicates that moderate to intense exercise levels for four to seven hours a week is enough to reduce breast cancer risk. Again, talk to your doctor or gynecologist to help formulate an exercise and nutrition plan that is appropriate for your age and overall health.

4. Have Regular Mammograms

gynecologistMammograms are safe and fairly accurate X-rays of the breasts that help doctors monitor them over time and pinpoint suspicious lumps. The current recommendation for women with average risk factors, being no family history or previous occurrence, is once a year from age 40 and up. Mammogram technology is improving all the time to create better levels of imaging and early detection. Monthly self-exams are important too, as you may discover a problem area and get help more quickly. 

Breast cancer risks cannot all be controlled, but by following basic health guidelines you can minimize some risks. OBGYN Associates offers complete women’s health care, including gynecology, obstetrics, ultrasounds, and genetic testing. Call (513) 221-3800 to make an appointment in Fairfield or  (513) 221-3800 in Liberty Township. Visit their website to learn more about the gynecologist. 
