
You trust your air conditioning system to keep you cool and comfortable during the warm months and may be tempted to keep it running to beat the heat. However, did you know that overuse could cause health problems? According to Glorieta Creek Mechanical, the preferred HVAC company in Santa Fe County, NM, there are a few issues you may experience if your AC is constantly in use.

Allergy-Like Reactions

air conditioningTo many, the outside air carries a multitude of allergens, and you may rely on your HVAC to keep your home free from irritants. However, if used too much, you could be exposing yourself to an increased amount of indoor air pollution. This can cause very similar reactions to allergies, such as a stuffy nose, itchy, inflamed eyes, difficulty breathing, and dizziness. This occurs when your conditioned air is poorly circulated and not well filtered, possibly by dirty vents, ducts or dirty filters. 

Understand the risks of air conditioning overuse to prevent any health complications. If you find yourself in need of an HVAC professional to repair or replace your system and offer you expert guidance, call on Glorieta Creek Mechanical. They have been serving residents and business owners since 2006. Whether you’re looking to improve your indoor air quality or need your Air Conditioning checked and serviced,  their staff is qualified to help. For more information, visit their website or call (505) 757-8872 today.
