
Chiropractic care is often looked at as a means of treating back and neck pain, but it is actually a treatment that can have a far-reaching total body impact. In fact, it’s been shown as an effective method for helping individuals alleviate stress. Because chronic stress can take its toll on the body and is often attributed to health issues, finding healthy ways to manage it is essential to mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Here, we explore how visiting a chiropractor could be your most effective antidote to stress.

A Guide to Chiropractic Care & Stress Relief

What Are Some Common Stress Factors?

From getting stuck in traffic to managing major life changes, there are many factors which can cause stress throughout adults’ lives. Stressors can be acute, meaning they stem from short-term events but can have a lasting impact, or chronic, which means they result from ongoing conditions. A demanding job, troubled relationship, and illnesses are just some of the causes of chronic stress.

Stress can affect the body, mind, and our behavior. Immediate results of stress can include muscle tension, sleep problems, and headaches. Over the long term, it can lead to social withdrawal, anxiety, and sadness or depression. Luckily, there are healthy outlets for managing stressors, one of which is chiropractic care.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help?

chiropractic careThe spine is connected to the nervous system, so spinal health plays a role in our mental and physical health. Chiropractors can perform treatments such as adjustments to address any misalignments, which could help to improve nervous system functionality and ultimately aid in stress management. Additionally, they can provide solutions for handling the symptoms of stress. One example is decompression traction for alleviating persistent headaches, a common side effect of ongoing stress.


If you’re seeking an effective solution for managing your ongoing stress, Walch Chiropractic Center PC will help. Located in Leeds, AL, the practice provides free evaluations to help patients determine whether chiropractic care is right for their unique needs. Learn more about the services they offer, including decompression traction and non-surgical disc treatment, by visiting their website. You can also call (205) 699-4433 to schedule an appointment.
