
With the ability to both save money and help the environment, solar panels are an increasingly popular choice among homeowners. While it may be tempting to start the project immediately, any outstanding roofing issues should be addressed first. Here is a comprehensive look into why roof repair needs to take place before construction begins. 

Save Time & Money

solar panelsBy scheduling any needed roof repairs before the solar panel installation, you will wind up with a much lower bill. Beforehand, the roofer can access the entirety of your roof with ease. But after the panels are up, the technician will need to first remove them before any work can be done. Then, when the job is done, panels will need to be reinstalled. That extra work takes longer, disturbing your home life with constructions sounds, and results in higher costs. 

Set Up Structural Integrity

Beyond the loss of time and money, prematurely setting up solar panels can create a hazardous roofing situation. The panels and their supports will add significant weight to your roof. Placing them on an insecure surface may result in a collapse or rupture. Commissioning the repair prior and informing your roofer about the panel installation to come will ensure the roof has the necessary stability to sustain the added weight of panels.


When your roof is ready for solar panel installation, hire the expert technicians at Solar Help Hawaii in Honolulu, HI. Servicing the island of Oahu for over 25 years, this licensed company has emerged as the region’s leader in alternative energy. Whether you’re interested in solar panels or a solar-powered air conditioner, these professionals will outfit you with a durable and efficient system. Schedule a free consultation by calling (808) 548-4357, and learn more about their services on the website.
