
Although water heaters are commonplace in residential properties, many homeowners neglect to think about the appliance until it stops working. According to the water heater repair specialists at Baity Plumbing in Thomasville, NC, following a few simple steps will boost system efficiency and performance while reducing the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns.

3 Tips From Water Heater Repair Pros to Keep Your Appliance in Top Shape

1. Clear the Area Around the Equipment

In many homes, water heater tanks are tucked out of the way in basements, attached garages, and other common storage areas. If the appliance is surrounded by boxes and additional belongings, the clutter could impact appliance efficiency, depending on the power source. If you have a gas-operated water heater tank, clear a few feet of space around the appliance. The improved ventilation will allow the equipment the oxygen needed to operate smoothly.  

2. Adjust the Water Heater Thermostat Temperature 

Thomasville-North-Carolina-water-heater-repairAccording to the U.S. Department of Energy, lowering the water heater thermostat setting can save you 4% to 22% on your home’s energy consumption each year. Adjusting the current setting to 120ºF will put less stress on equipment while ensuring the household still receives a steady supply of hot water for bathing and laundry. 

3. Schedule Routine Maintenance Checks

Over time, minerals in hard water and sand from water mains and wells can settle at the bottom of the water heater tank. The sediment could damage the heating element or puncture the tank’s inner lining, leading to leaks. To prevent the need for water heater repair or possible replacement on an electric heater you may need a whole house filter to catch the debris, schedule routine service appointments with a professional plumber. For a gas tankless heater they will flush the system to remove debris before it gets a chance to wreak havoc on the appliance.

Whether you need water heater repair, maintenance, or installation, the plumbing contractors at Baity Plumbing have the tools and training to accommodate your requests. To schedule a commercial or residential plumbing appointment in Davidson, Guilford, or Randolph counties, call (336) 475-0921. Visit the company online to discover why you can trust the team to care for your plumbing system, and follow them on Facebook for additional advice to improve equipment efficiency.
