
Over time, every parent learns how to best care for their little ones. When it comes to their child’s teeth, some expert insight from your family dentist can help get you started on the right track. Find out what you need to know by asking your children's dentist these questions.

5 Questions for Your Children’s Dentist

How Do You Properly Clean Your Baby’s Teeth?

children's dentistGood oral hygiene starts before your child has their first teeth, as parents are advised to gently clean their baby’s gums using a soft toothbrush or cloth and water. Your pediatric dental care team can recommend products and demonstrate the procedure for you.

When Should Your Child First Visit the Children’s Dentist?

Take your baby to the dentist as soon as their first tooth appears. If this hasn’t happened yet by their first birthday, take them anyway. You want to make sure there are no developmental delays to blame.

What Can You Expect on Your First Visit?

The dentist will conduct a manual exam to check that teeth are developing as they should and ensure there are no issues. This is also a chance for you to voice questions and concerns and your dentist to share information about developmental issues like teething. They can also demonstrate proper teeth cleaning.

Is Any Special Treatment Recommended?

Prevention is essential to protecting your child’s smile. Ask your dentist if they have any extra recommendations—beyond basic oral hygiene—toward this end. For instance, they might suggest fluoride treatments or sealants to protect teeth or propose orthodontics to straighten their smile.

How Often Is a Checkup Needed?

It’s recommended that children see the dentist every six months since their mouths are constantly changing with new teeth coming in. This also helps prevent cavities and catches any dental problems early, ensuring prompt treatment.


For a fun and friendly children’s dentist who makes parents and little ones alike feel at ease, trust Alaska Dentistry for Kids in Anchorage. Dr. Coplin can handle everything from routine cleanings to fillings and treats children of all ages. He will be happy to answer any questions you might have about protecting your child’s smile. Find out more about the dental clinic’s services online, or call (907) 274-2525 to schedule an appointment.
