
Brushing, flossing, and regular checkups with the dentist are all important parts of your child’s dental care, but you can actually use the tooth fairy to encourage these good habits too. The tooth fairy doesn’t have to simply be used as a reward system for a lost tooth; they can also help your child learn about oral hygiene. When utilizing this concept in your household, consider the following four tips.

4 Tips to Get the Most Out of the Tooth Fairy

1. Introduce the Theory Early

One of the best ways to get your child excited about the tooth fairy is by beginning the conversations early on. For example, during their first appointment with a dentist, talk about the tooth fairy with your child’s provider. If they see another adult knows about the tooth fairy they’re more likely to get excited about it–and oral hygiene.

2. Pick a Reward System

dentistWhile money is traditionally left behind as a trade for the lost tooth, you can decide on any reward system you would like. If your child responds better to small trinkets or toys, make sure to have some on hand to use in the event they lose their tooth and you’re not able to get out and purchase something.

3. Use a Tooth Holder

The tooth fairy’s most important job is retrieving the lost tooth, which is why it’s important to keep it in some kind of holder to ensure it doesn’t get lost under the pillow. You can use a small box, a drawstring bag or even small plastic treasure chests from the dentist to hold the lost tooth.

4. Have a Plan

In the event your child loses their tooth and you forget to make the  exchange, have an explanation for the delay. You can always blame the weather–did it snow or rain heavily the night before? Or, if you have the money or prize on hand and simply forgot to make the switch, hide it under another pillow and laugh with your child about how the tooth fairy must have been confused in the middle of the night.


The tooth fairy can be an excellent way to teach your child about proper dental care and oral hygiene. Kid Smiles is located in High Point, NC, and offers a range of important pediatric dental services to families in the community. From routine cleanings and exams to advice on pediatric dental issues like losing baby teeth and tooth fairy tips, this dentist has the expertise to provide top-notch care. To learn more, visit their website or call (336) 885-5437
