
If you experience a weird or funny reaction to anesthesia after a dental procedure or wisdom teeth removal, you are not alone. Oral surgeons often witness excess emotion, confusion, and sleepiness in patients after their teeth extraction. Whether you are in the process of scheduling a treatment or curious about the reason behind these intense feelings, learn more in the guide below about why these episodes happen.

Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal & Anesthesia 

1. Anesthesia Basics  

Wisdom Teeth RemovalMany cases of wisdom teeth removal are an invasive process. Surgeons may need to cut the gums and dislodge the tooth from below the gum line. For this reason, patients have several sedation dentistry options.

These include local anesthesia, intravenous (IV) sedation, and general anesthesia. Some oral surgeons also offer conscious sedation and nitrous oxide. All patients will receive at least a dose of local anesthesia for their treatment to prevent pain.

With this option, your dentist will inject a numbing medication into the site of the extraction. In some cases, the doctor will recommend more anesthetic to provide relaxation or allow them to better perform the procedure. Other patients may be anxious and request an additional type.

IV sedation provides medicine orally or to the veins. Though you will be conscious throughout your appointment, you will probably experience forgetfulness. General anesthesia will make you unconscious while conscious sedation may involve a combination of anti-anxiety medication and oral anesthetic, which could cause you to fall asleep. Nitrous oxide calms the patient and wears off quickly. 

2. Reaction Reasons

The medications used during teeth extraction relax the brain and nervous system. Taking additional anesthesia encourages amnesia so you do not remember the procedure. These effects also cause confusion afterward. The reaction is most common in patients who choose general anesthetic and IV sedation. However, those who select nitrous oxide or conscious sedation pills can still experience effects. 

3. Common Symptoms 

Symptoms of an anesthesia reaction after wisdom teeth removal include crying, making silly statements, or a dazed feeling. Some patients may also feel groggy. While these emotions and conversations can be strange to watch, it is a common and safe side effect of using these treatments for oral surgery. 

Not all patients will experience these effects. Whether you feel slight sleepiness or tell a compelling story worthy of a YouTube video, you will return to normal an hour or two after the procedure. For most people, a nap will allow the medicine to wear off. 


Whether you know you require wisdom teeth removal or need a consultation, the skilled and compassionate surgeons at Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska in Anchorage are here to help. To make an appointment with their doctors, call them at (907) 561-1430. For more information about the process, visit their website
