
Insurance companies are ultimately all about protecting the bottom line—and won’t be eager to provide compensation when you file a claim. Whether you’re seeking damages after a car accident or waiting on a workers’ compensation claim, you will need to negotiate with the insurer to get what you deserve. Here, the personal injury lawyers of Vincent J. Criscuolo & Associates in Rochester, NY, share their tips.

3 Ways to Successfully Negotiate With Insurance Companies

1. Have an Amount in Mind

You should already have an idea of what the claim is worth when you write the initial demand letter to the insurance company. A personal injury lawyer can help determine this; they’ll consider everything from medical expenses to emotional distress and wages lost due to time off work. Most companies will lowball you from the start to see if you know what you’re doing, so don’t rush to sign the first offer they make. Instead, make a counteroffer.

2. Don’t Accept Non-Justified Offers

personal injury lawyerThe insurance company will make an offer below what you requested. You have a right to know why. Ask them to give specific reasons detailing why they believe the claim is worth that amount. Make note of what they say. Use this information to figure out how much you should budge on your demand and submit this response addressing these points in writing.

3. Reference Emotional Aspects

Don’t be shy about supporting the case with emotionally charged evidence. For instance, if you experienced a severe injury, share photos. If you can’t return to the job you love due to permanent disability, emphasize this. Insurance negotiations can be tough, but drawing on emotional points with the help of a personal injury lawyer can work in your favor and spur on a settlement.

An experienced personal injury lawyer will know the common tricks insurance companies use to get you to settle for less. If you’re trying to receive compensation for your damages after a personal injury accident in Rochester, contact Vincent J. Criscuolo & Associates. Whether you need assistance with complicated workers’ compensation paperwork or are contemplating a medical malpractice lawsuit, they will help. To request a free consultation, call (585) 232-3240. Learn more about their attorneys online.
