
Your windows do more than offer a picture-perfect view of your surroundings. They also keep air and allergens out of your home, which is why maintaining them is crucial. Sterling Exteriors, a trusted residential roofing company in Cincinnati, OH, understands what it takes to maintain your home, including the maintenance of windows. Thanks to their knowledge of window replacement and installation, they can offer advice on how to get the most out of your windows, as well as the proper steps for preventing frequent repairs.

A Residential Roofing Company Offers 3 Tips to Preserve Your Windows

1. Clean Them Often

Dust and dirt buildup on windows not only looks poor, but it can also degrade them over time. This is particularly true of the window sealing, which can become compromised as dirt and grime are left to linger. That’s why it’s crucial to clean your windows often to prevent this accumulation. Dirt may also seep into the pores of your window glass, making it almost impossible to remove.

2. Don’t Slam Your Windows

residential roofingWhile windows are designed to be rugged, slamming them frequently often results in a breakdown of functionality. If the window track becomes damaged, your window could allow air and unsightly pests inside. Slamming windows may also affect their ability to latch, which then becomes a security issue. Shutting them gently keeps components intact and prevents the track from breaking.

3. Don’t Leave Issues Untreated

Condensation between the panes of glass in your window is a bad sign. If left untreated, this moisture can cause significant damage and may call for the installation of a brand-new window. In this case, don’t delay in addressing any issues you notice to keep more extensive damage from occurring.

Along with their window and residential roofing expertise, Sterling Exteriors will also assist with siding and exterior painting. Call (513) 685-8055 to learn more about arranging a project in Cincinnati. You can also visit them online for more information on window services, residential roofing work, and siding information.
