
A leaky pond can be frustrating and elusive problem. The leak may be a minor annoyance, or a serious problem that could result in harm to fish or damage to expensive pumps and other equipment. Correcting and repairing this common pond maintenance issue is challenging. If you need assistance with your pond, seek the professionals at Specialty Water Gardens & Landscapes (573)442-9027. 

Water is a dynamic and unpredictable force. Therefore, leaks can and do happen for a number of reasons. Even a dirty filter pad can cause water to be forced around, out and over the edge of a filter box. Sometimes a leak in a pond is readily apparent, but oftentimes, we must go thru a process of elimination.

     First, determine if the leak is in the   running part (plumbing) or the static part (everything within the liner including the body of water in the pond and filters), or both.

Does the water drop when the pump is turned off?   If yes, then the leak is in the static part of the pond. Fill the pond and wait to see where the water level drops.

  Edges along the stream or waterfall that have settled or experience erosion are one of the most common places to find a leak. Look for wet areas in the mulch or gravel along edges. Often the plants near a leaking edge are more lush and vigourus due to the extra moisture.

Another common area for static leaking is in and around the filter boxes.  An improperly installed skimmer box will settle over the years causing the liner to stretch and pull away from the skimmer opening.Setting the skimmer filter at the proper height and on a stable compacted base is important.

Finding a hole in the liner does happen on occasion, especially where pets have climbed in and around the pond.  If a hole is located, liner can be  patched if the proper technique is utilized.

If you need help getting your pond running to its full potential, call the water garden professionals at Specialty Water Gardens & Landscapes. (573)442-9027. We’ll help you identify and repair your pond in a timely and comptent manner.

