
Oil changes should never be overlooked. It ensures the engine continues to function smoothly and keeps all the necessary parts well-lubricated. The engine repair experts at Cabarrus Import Services of Concord, NC, have seen the aftermath of a missed oil change and strongly encourage drivers to bring their vehicles in on a regular basis for the reasons discussed below.

What Happens After an Oil Change Is Missed?

Clean car oil is vital for effective lubrication. If an oil change isn’t scheduled by the recommended 3,000-mile mark, your engine could seize up unexpectedly. This is largely due to the amount of dirt that has collected within the liquid. As the oil travels through the engine, it gathers a portion of the dirt that’s built up on its surfaces. These tiny particles eventually become so numerous that it’s nearly impossible for the oil to do a proper job, and it leaves the engine without the lubrication it requires to function.

oil changeAnother issue that could develop is a need for new car parts. Oil can only maintain the required levels of lubrication as long as it’s clean. The moment it begins to get dirty, the amount of grease that’s released begins to drop. This reduces the efficiency of the engine and causes individual components to wear out prematurely, leaving you with a very expensive auto repair bill.

When to Schedule an Oil Change

The general rule of thumb for oil changes is every three months or 3,000 miles, depending on what comes first. This will ensure you get all the use you can out of a single batch before replacing it with a new product. Clean oil is an easy way to help your car maintain its smooth functionality, and it will work to prolong the engine’s life span.

For all of your future oil changes, rely on the expertise found at Cabarrus Import Service of Concord, NC. These professionals have over 24 years of experience in auto repair and provide a wide selection of services that will keep your vehicle in top shape. From brake service to engine repair, this locally owned auto repair shop stays up-to-date with the industry’s latest developments and is ready to offer the affordable solutions you seek. Call (704) 793-4122 to speak with a representative, or visit their website for additional information on the company.
