
If you’ve been asked to deliver a eulogy at the funeral of a loved one, it’s normal to feel nervous about the task. Your loved one was a vibrant and complex person, and it may seem challenging to deliver a tribute which does them justice. But there are a few simple principles which make it much easier to prepare and deliver a fitting, moving eulogy.

Gather Memories

Before you even start, try writing down some of your memories of your loved one. Think about treasured moments, significant accomplishments, and stories that illustrate your loved one’s character. As you list these memories, take note of any themes that emerge, particularly the ones you feel most strongly about.

Use the Rule of Three

Once you have a general theme in mind—for example, your loved one’s accomplishments—try to choose three stories to illustrate the theme. This will leave guests feeling like your eulogy is well-rounded without including too much.


Your eulogy should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Begin by introducing both yourself and your theme, then deliver the three memories you’ve chosen, and finish by summarizing what you’ve said. Conclude with something memorable, such as a quote, a reading, or a challenge for your listeners.


Once you have your eulogy drafted, practice it, preferably in front of a mirror or a trusted individual who can provide feedback. It’s all right to make revisions at this stage if you notice something is awkward to say aloud, but don’t get caught up in endless changes. By the time you visit the funeral home, you should have practiced your final version at least two or three times.

Take Your Time

During the funeral, as you deliver your eulogy, resist the impulse to rush. Slowing down will help you and your audience feel calmer, and will also make it easier to understand what you’re saying. If you need to take a moment to compose yourself, do so. The other funeral attendees will understand.


For more advice on your eulogy or for help with other funeral arrangements, get in touch with Silver Creek Mortuary in Gallup, NM. For 15 years, they have served the community with compassionate and attentive assistance throughout funeral planning and the service, including Navajo national burials. You can reach their caring staff at (505) 371-3690 or online.
