
When it comes to tree trimming, you may think that cutting off the top is the easiest way to get the plant under control. But while “topping” the tree can keep it looking short, the act could also place it in danger. Here, the trimming and pruning team at Elridge Arborist & Landscaping in Oak Ridge, NC, shares why topping is a bad idea and how you can better keep foliage under control. 

Why Is Tree Topping Dangerous?

Eliminates Leaves

When tree trimming, arborists aim to cut no more than 25% off of the crown. When they cut back the tops more than this, they eliminate too many leaf-bearing branches. Without leaves, the tree can’t produce vital nutrients through photosynthesis. This lack of nutrients can impair the plant’s future growth and cause it to become sick.

Encourages Rapid, Weak Growth

After experiencing excessive damage, trees work hard to repair themselves and replenish the resources they lost. As such, cutting away the entire crown can trigger rapid growth, with weak and unhealthy new branches. When storms occur, these branches can break easily, possibly damaging the home and surrounding property.

Invites Infestation

tree trimmingTopping creates injuries in the wood that are difficult to heal, making it easier for insects and plant diseases to take over. Since the tree can’t heal properly, the tree can’t fend off these hazards fast enough, increasing the overall risk of infection and decay. In some cases, this damage can cause the tree to die.

How Should You Properly Cut Back Tall Trees?

If you have a tree that is growing too tall, call a professional arborist. Using in-depth experience, these tree trimming specialists will know how to cut back branches in a way that reduces the plant’s size without affecting its health. With the help of specialized tools, arborists can also change the growth patterns of the trees to fit the demands of the property and your preference for appearance.

Homeowners who are struggling with overgrowth can get the professional help they need at Eldridge Arborist & Landscaping. This family-owned tree service will determine how to best control growth and support overall plant health. Their team always provide swift and safe assistance—especially when emergencies strike. Visit these arborists online to learn more about their service. Call (336) 423-7133 to schedule tree trimming.
