
Staying fit is key to a healthy and happy life, and running is a popular, highly beneficial exercise. One common question people have is whether it’s best to run on a treadmill or outdoors, especially when dealing with foot pain. Below, the team at Westside Podiatry Group in Rochester, NY, clears up the confusion.

Running Outdoors

People who enjoy running outdoors often cite the pleasant scenery as a bonus. They also claim that running outside makes time go by faster, which can make it easier to keep up with a consistent exercise regimen. Regarding fitness, the diverse terrain offers more challenges during an outdoor run. This is especially true when it comes to downhill runs, which a treadmill can’t replicate.

There are some downsides, podiatrists warn. For instance, running on concrete is notoriously bad for the knees, and some people may be limited to this surface depending on where they live. You might also be prevented from partaking in your fitness routine during days where inclement weather is an issue. This can be a huge deterrent depending on where you live, particularly in rainier climates.

Running on a Treadmill

foot painConversely, running on a treadmill can be done just about anywhere at any time. The surface of a treadmill is also much easier on the knees, making it ideal for people with injuries, medical conditions that impact knee health, and foot pain. Additionally, treadmills allow you to exercise in comfort, whether you’re at your home or the gym. Many people enjoy watching TV while running, which can make time pass more quickly.

While your knees won’t suffer the same impact when running on a treadmill, these devices can be a bit harder on the Achilles tendon. This is because the belt that runs through the machine is constantly pulling one foot back. It’s especially problematic if you have poor form, and you could be faced with foot pain and swelling in the tendon. Treadmills may also be insufficient for people who want to run competitively, as you won’t be subject to factors like wind resistance or changes in terrain.

Whether you’re dealing with chronic foot pain or want information on how to stay fit and healthy, contact Westside Podiatry Group. These podiatrists can help with a variety of conditions, from heel spurs to ankle fractures. They also offer MLS® laser therapy. Schedule an appointment in Rochester, Greece, or Gates today by calling (585) 225-2290. You can get help preparing for your first visit by filling out a form on their website.
